Share Your Wisdom and Goodies on TDE!

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Are you interested in offering an exclusive giveaway or discount for the Daily Etsian? Or are you eyeing the artist interviews and daydreaming about being interviewed yourself? Maybe? I thought so... I'm currently looking for some in-season discounts or giveaways. Perhaps a back-to-school giveaway? Or an end-of-the-summer discount? Here are some general criteria to keep in mind. As always, if you have questions, contact me by commenting below or click here. Please include your name, contact information, and a link to your shop/photos of items. I can't wait to meet you!

- The item must be handmade, vintage, or of general interest to indie artists or Etsy/Artfire customers.
- The item should have a monetary value of $10 or more (although this is flexible, depending on the object). This may seem somewhat arbitrary. I just want to insure that the giveaway feels like a gift or treat for readers. If you are unsure about an item, contact me and ask.

- Discounts for Daily Etsian readers are always welcome. I ask for discounts that will attract buyers. Please contact me to work out the details.

Artist Interviews:
- I try to pick the unusual, unique, and edgy.
- I like clear photographs that exhibit the item in a good light with a neutral (or fitting) background.
- You must be willing to answer slightly wacky questions.

Thanks for your interest!


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